Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Welcome to the Trilogy Golf Club at La Quinta Blog!

The goal of this weekly blog is to keep you updated on the day to day action here at Trilogy Golf Club at La Quinta.

Golf Course Superintendent Scott Werline and his crew are working at a feverous pace to get the golf course overseeded and ready by October 16th. The front nine is seeded, and the back nine will be seeded in the next couple of days. Scott, who is without an assistant superintendent, is busier than a one armed paperhanger. Regardless of the lack of man power, the 'Werline way' is to muscle through it without a whimper. I applaud Scott for his efforts on minimizing the particulate in the air. If there is anyone around here more allergic to grass in the air than me, I'd like to meet him/her. In years past, this time of year was a nightmare for me. This fall I have had minimal problems, thanks to Scott's talents.

The golf professional staff is busy unpacking newly ordered fashions for the fall season. Clothes man Brandon O’Neill has outdone himself with the ordering this year. Each season I think he has maxed out, but he continues to amaze me. Be prepared for bright and colorful fashions here at Trilogy. Now that I think about it, I don’t think those two words would do Brandon’s fall order justice. That is like saying Ian Poulter dresses conservatively. Brandon is never been shy about putting together bold ensembles himself. The only thing Ian Poulter has over Brandon is Spiked Hair, and a head cover designed in his likeness.

Nick Mitchell is busy getting his staff prepared for the upcoming season. I just saw the note about the guys needing their Scobey sleeping bags and rations, to get through the next couple of days. I didn’t read the whole memo, but it has something to do with cleaning my office and Brandon’s. We may be a little disorganized to some, but a sleepover to complete the task? I think Nick is going a little overboard.

Food and Beverage Manager Jim Carvajal and his staff are still providing lunch service each day from 11-2 pm. On top of that they are working on unveiling a new menu... Chef Isaias and his staff are preparing some out-of-this-world dishes for Azul Restaurant and Café Solaz. The new menu has created a problem for General Manager, Jeff “Never turned away a meal” Perry. Jeff has had to step up his already vigorous workout routine to burn off the increased caloric intake due to the daily tasting of new menu items. Jeff has even convinced Brandon to visit the gym, but for Brandon, it is just more of the same - Jeff loudly commented to all those within earshot that Brandon was 8 minutes late for his first workout session. For those of you who know Brandon well enough, that means he now only spends 9 hours a day away from Trilogy.

If you are looking for someone to follow over the next couple of weeks, check out Anthony Kim, a personal friend, and a former La Quinta resident. Anthony, 21, turned a Sponsors exemption into a second place finish at the Valero Texas Open. That allowed him an exemption into the Southern Farm Bureau Classic. He finished tied for 16th this past weekend. Anthony now travels to Greensboro, North Carolina to play in the Chrysler Classic of Greensboro.

Circle October 16th, 2006 on your calendar, when we will be coming out of overseeding. We look forward to having everyone back!

As always, visit our website and book your tee times to enjoy this fantastic southern California golf course!

More next week...


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