Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Being a native Montanan, I would use the phrase, “back in the saddle again”, to explain our first day open from overseeding.

The golf course made great strides in the last couple of days. The greens are a little slow, which is common when coming out of overseeding. The course opened with great reviews, people were just excited to get back out on the course. Weather conditions are ideal.

It's a “slice of Heaven," according to a guest from Michigan, who made the comment when referring to the facility.

Tonight begins the dinner menu for the Azul Restaurant. “Little Italy" night, with an Italian menu, includes staples like Spagetti and Vegetarian Lasagna, along with eggplant parmesan with spicy roasted tomato sauce. Give me a second while I wipe the drool from my mouth. I am missing my afternoon snack to write this blog. Just typing the words on the computer is making me salivate... I can smell the aroma of the Azul kitchen all the way across the building.

Head Golf Professional - or should I say “Professor” - Brandon O'Neil kicked off the season with new prescription eyewear from Oakley that added 50 points to his IQ.

Brandon is a walking advertisement for Oakley, with the logo etched into the lens. You can see the logo looking in, but he can’t see it looking out.

Ladies, speaking of eyewear, the New Paula Creamer collection from Sundog just arrived. Paula unveiled the new line here in the Coachella Valley in conjunction with the Samsung Championship at Bighorn. We are one of the first accounts to have a display in the shop. Brandon knew the product so well that the national sales representative suggested he take Brandon on the road to train his sales force.

Monday, October 23rd is the Resident Skins Game Qualifier. Time to get your game face on! The format is a modified stableford system that requires you receive a quota of points based on your handicap. The man and woman who exceeds his/her quota the most will advance to the Finals the Monday following the Skins Game.

The Azul Restaurant opened Monday with a new revamped menu to rave reviews. The restaurant was busy all day from breakfast to late in the afternoon.

The new hours for the Azul Restaurant will be breakfast served from 6:30 am to 11:00, and lunch from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. We will also offer a select number of breakfast items all day. There will be an Appetizer Menu from 4pm to 5:30pm. The dinner schedule will be limited until after the Skins Game. Italian Night will be every Tuesday night, with Friday Night featuring Prime Rib.

The word on the street is that we are one of the few public facilities open right now. Make sure that you book early and book often to ensure that you get your fix of golf over the next couple weeks.

The LG Skins Game countdown begins, we are inside 45 days! More on that next week.

Here’s to looking for more birdies and actually keeping them!

Until next week,
Bob V.


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