Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy New Year (early)

Christmas has come and gone, and with the New Year fast approaching, we at Trilogy Golf Club are ramping up for a big peak season. Guests are continuing to rave about the condition of the golf course and the speed of the greens. Cooler than normal temperatures have not deterred the after-Christmas rush of golfers.

You are probably tiring of hearing about Anthony Kim, but just remember that you heard about him here first! His name comes up again this week because he just made a Hole–in-one on the 175 yard 6th hole. Anthony’s playing partner during the round was my son Paull. Paull and Anthony were high school teammates at La Quinta High School and roommates while in college back in Norman, Oklahoma.

I am a little bittersweet about the news I am about to report. Our General Manager, Jeff Perry, has made a decision to resign his position at Trilogy Golf Club at La Quinta. Jeff, who along with his wife Kelly and two children, has a home in Phoenix, was commuting for the past year. Jeff made the decision to get his family unit under one roof all the time, not just part time. I wish him the very best. I said "bittersweet" because we have created a wonderful team under Jeff’s leadership. Jeff knows how to be a leader and to direct his managers to do their job with great supervision. Jeff sees the big picture for the success of our facility and has been tireless in trying to get all the right parts of the puzzle so that we as managers can succeed - which translates into success for the golf course, the community members, and the guests of Trilogy La Quinta.

Head Golf Professional Brandon O'Neill will take over Jeff's duties. Brandon has been prepping for this position for the past couple of years. Brandon is still recovering from the devastating Oregon Duck loss to BYU at the Las Vegas Bowl. Instead of drinking the loss away, Brandon OD’d on Duck merchandise. We spent two hours moving boxes and clothes in Brandon's office. The only thing worse than that loss would be for Brandon to log in to the Duck website to find that they changed spirit colors. The only thing that made the game bearable for Brandon was having his picture taken with his girlfriend, Heather, and the Duck Mascot.

Rick Alexander, one of our Assistant Golf Professionals is heading to San Diego tomorrow to watch his son play for the Texas A&M Aggies. Look for #61.

Jeff Perry will be a nervous wreck as his UCLA Bruins take on the FSU Seminoles tonight.

Outside Service Team Member Cavan Murray once again is gloating about his San Diego Chargers as they pulled a win out of LT’s hat. Cavan and his brother Matt have had season tickets for decades.

1st Assistant and Tournament Director Nick Mitchell, when asked about his Oakland Raiders, replied, "#1 Draft Pick in 2007!"

Azul Restaurant still has reservations available for the New Year’s Eve Party. Food and Beverage Manager Isaias and his staff have a party planned that is sure to impress. Don’t delay because spots have been filling up fast since we opened up. Call for details…

Just a reminder that we went to our peak rates effective Christmas Day. Weekday rates are $130.00 per player and Weekend rates are $155.00 per player.

There will always be specials on our website and email blasts. Keep your eye out for specials over the next couple of weeks. You can receive our weekly email blasts by clicking here. Fill out the information and you will soon be one of the first to here about our upcoming specials.

Until next year, keep rolling that rock!


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